Modifying Scale Patterns
Posted on 26-Dec-09 13:50Viewed 2577 times
Is there a way, using the ChordWizard Scale facility, of defining (and saving) the user's preferred vertical and/or horizontal fingering patterns, to be displayed?
Secondly, is there a way to modify the number of octaves spanned by such patterns.
The reason for this being, to allow players to have preferred fingering patterns that they'd can then practice and memorize, so that they can then visualize the fretboard in a way that is suited to their particular needs or methodology.
Thanks very much!
No, not at present. The scale patterns are automatically calculated for each library and span a single octave (for partial positions) or as many notes as can be reached (for full positions, typically two octaves on guitar).
Others have requested the ability to customise the scales in the same way that is currently available for chordshapes.
So the feature is on our wish list! We hope to implement it at some stage.