Chord-Fingering Grids Displayed Above Chord Names
Posted on 16-Jul-08 10:00Viewed 2578 times
It would be beneficial (for me, anyway) to be able to print-out basic chord charts, along with the intended fingering grids above the chord names displayed.
This would allow me to communicate to other guitar players the chord voicings in a manner that they could use them--given that they may have trouble finding the intended chord, otherwise.
This is just what you see in thousands of general songbooks, because of the large number of guitar players who buy songbooks.
Is this a feature that is currently available, or one that your willing to add in the near future? Because, otherwise, I love the program. Excellent development job, by the way! I've owned ChordWizard Gold for years and have admired your work.
Thank you! And please let me know.
ChordWizard Gold (and Silver) can produce chordshape diagrams in the style of chord books, but not in the sequence of a song (in fact these two products don't work with songs in any way, only the chord and scale elements of them).
Songtrix Gold (and Silver) have a strong awareness of songs and can produce staff notation or chord+lyric charts in variety of formats, but since they are general music based, they don't deal with guitar chordshapes.
We have plans for a future product which combines both of these, so it will be like Songtrix for guitar. Then you see this feature that you are asking for! It has also been a common request from other customers over the years.
Thanks very much for the comments.
Thank you for the explanation, and I'm glad to hear that such a product is in the works. Being a licensed owner of both Chordwizard and Songtrix Gold, I'm interested to know if you have an estimate for when this new software product will be released, and/or if it's possible to get on the Beta user list?
Thanks again!