Verse-Chorus Form
Posted on 11-Feb-09 16:21Viewed 3505 times
Hello everybody,
I am new here. This community and Songtrix Gold 3.0 are just superb.
I am very much new to music. I just want to ask one simple question.
Please tell me that what type of chord progression are used in verse and what type chord progression are used in chorus so that listener can easily differentiate between the two. Please explain me about this in detail.
Thanks for your help in advance.
I am sorry if you find this question stupid.
Hi Space
That's a very big question and I don't think there is a simple answer.
I am new to music myself and am allso trying to learn about chord progressions.
I'm using different websites to gather information on this subject; I will leave some web adresses for these sites which you may like to check.
Could I all'so recomend an item called "the chord wheel" available via amazon, I think you will find it invaluable when dealing with chord's and chord progressions.
I'm not sure if this information will be of use to you as don't know your level of expertise; but I would suggest the following.
I ii iii IV V vi vii (Memorise the chords of the Maj scale)
I-IV (Progression by P4/P5)
I-vi (Progression by Maj 6th/min 3rd)
I-ii (Progression by Maj 2nd/min 7th)
I applogise if this post is no help but as I said earlier; your question as I understand it is a very big question and not easily answered.
Regard's Eric
Hi Space,
You might be far more advanced by now? I just purchased Songtrix and found by looking through the "Music Theory" program and listening to the different chords, I found what works for different styles of music. It's a fun way to learn.
To really appreciate and use the Songtrix software fully a thorough understanding of music theory is necessary as it is an excellent piece of software.Fortunately i have been studying music theory for a number of years and it really does help to use the software and appreciate how awesome it is.So you really need to learn your major and minor scales the chords and the chord progressions which is just a sequence of chords played and you need to learn the modes of a scale too.You could if your an absolute beginner just use one scale only with its chords,progression and modes so you know basically the starting blocks of making music.I could of course go on and on but hopefully others will add to this.But that is just one aspect which mainly deals with the harmony of a song.That said it helps to learn about various rhythms,putting melodys in a song and.All in all i would say you need to be fairly advanced on music theory to slot straight in to using the advanced software competently and constructively fairly quickly.